Relationship Building

Wendeen Eolis brings to the table in-depth experience as an interviewer, investigator, and negotiator with an underpinning of endless intellectual curiosity.

Strategic Building Blocks

She says, "Relationships are forged because the parties are curious, enticed, or open to communication; they can happen anywhere - from a planned business dinner to a chance encounter in Grand Central Station!"

Wendeen counsels her audiences to grow relationships that are valuable - personally or professionally, utilizing her formula: Common Sense + her 3D Personal Philosophy; Discipline, Desire, and Determination +  her 4 Basic Negotiating Strategies + her 12 Point People Reading System.

These tools promote wisdom when you have to make chancy judgment calls!

Relationships are Key

  • Size up others' availability
  • Analyze receptivity
  • Integrate connections wisely
  • Fish or cut bait
  • Dig deeper
  • Be real


  • Forging personal partnerships of trust - with integrity and empathy
  • Enhancing productivity, morale, and bottom-line results with the 3D formula
  • Promoting amicable resolutions with solutions others don't see
  • Maximizing the success of  professional relationships with smarts and respect

Make others feel important! 

For more information and to schedule appointments,
call (212) 472-4000 or email