Meet Wendeen!
In the continuous search for the perfected Renaissance life, Wendeen Eolis has embraced a multi-faceted career. She is an experienced CEO, entrepreneur, boardroom advisor, legal consultant, career/life coach, negotiator, public official, commander of a post 9/11 task force, journalist, motivational and keynote speaker, gaming industry insider, and the first woman to cash in the World Series of Poker, Main Event and the first woman to do so twice!
She is a graduate of New York University, with honors, including the Chester H. Lane Prize in argumentation and debate. She is a certified arbitrator and has been qualified as an expert witness in federal and state courts on employment matters. She also holds certifications as an executive consultant and professional coach. And, she has served as a director or advisor to public company boards and not-for-profit organizations.
In her spare time, Wendeen hones her negotiating skills in international poker tournament competitions, when not cooking up a storm for family and friends, playing a Liszt Rhapsodie on the piano, slicing a ping pong ball down the edge of the table, or surrendering control to her dance partners in a ballroom.
Wendeen has been featured in numerous profiles and news stories - in print, broadcast, and digital media outlets including The New York Times, A&E Biography, The Wall Street Journal, The American Lawyer, BBC, GQ Magazine, ABC News, and Court TV among others.
Over the years Wendeen has achieved global reach by cultivating a wide range of connections; making friends equally easily at the neighborhood diner over coffee as power lunches at elite lunch clubs. She also allocates substantial time to attend and participate in programs with women leaders. Ultimately, she says it is her dinner parties at home, invariably visited by an eclectic group of guests that promote the most interesting new business opportunities.

Wendeen's World
Chair, EOLIS; legal/executive consulting businesses - talent optimization in legal profession, C-Suite, and Government.
Boardroom Advisor
Inventor legal search/consulting industry; innovator career coaching/reputation management.
Experienced interviewer/deal maker; founder of 12 point people reading system; student of "negotiating DNA."
Public Servant
COO/Commander (civilian), Hope's Champion Task Force; prior advisor City Hall and Governor Office, NY State.
Media Magnet
Profiles: The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, BBC News, ABC News, Court TV, GQ, A&E Biography, among others.
Gaming Grande Dame
Advisor to casinos, government agencies; blackjack counting expert; first woman to cash, Main Event-World Series of Poker.
Power Poker Player
WSOP "Grand Dame of Poker;" 10 record-setting performances for a woman in world-class competitions.
Motivational/Keynote Speaker
Negotiation guru for advanced strategies for more success in life-at work, home, and on the road.
Writer for legal/business gaming/poker publications;cover stories, in-depth investigations, special features.

A World of Extra Joy
- Pianist playing Liszt at Liszt House - Budapest
- Table tennis player taking silver medal - Copenhagen
- Poker tournament player winning European Open - UK
- Innovative cook; learning sauce making in Lyon with Bocuse
- Salsa dancer on 2 in Havana; following the Eddie Torres style
- Writer - Going to the ends of the Earth to find a nugget!
- Charitable works-supporting causes to improve life for others
- Proud parent and great grand parent; commuting for life
- Champion Power Napper - 15 minutes daily!